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School Finances

Captain Webb Primary School's Government Delegated Budget:


Captain Webb Primary School is dedicated to ensuring that the delegated budget is spent on enhancing the educational provision for all our pupils, and providing them with a stimulating, safe and secure environment in which they can learn and grow.


All financial transactions made by the school fall in line with the Governments Scheme for Financing Schools.  As part of this we submit a return to the DfE, on an annual basis, which evidences our compliance (Schools Financial Value Standards) and our accounts are audited by an internal team in the local authority.

Our last audit report was Green - which means our accounts have been judged, based on objectives tested, and found to have a sound system of control designed to address relevant risks, with controls being consistently applied. No significant risks to the system/audit area objectives have been detected.

Please find below a link to the DfE Schools Financial Benchmarking Service where you can access published data so you can assess how we spend our allocated budget, and how effective that spend is in securing the best outcome for our pupils. 

You can also use the information provided on this site to see how we compare in income and expenditure to other similar educational establishments.

Captain Webb Primary School's School Fund Account:

Please find, with the policies below, a copy of the latest audit report for the schools School Fund Account.  This account is where we manage all parental income, monies raised and donations to the school. 
All income which is attributable to the Delegated Budget (whereby that is where the expenditure occurs i.e. staff costs, coach fees etc.) is transferred on a monthly basis. 

Financial Policies 

Attendance Policy - Sept 24 - Sept 25

School Fund Audit (Sep 23 - Aug 24)

Governors and Staff Allowance Policy - Nov 23 - Nov 24

Unreasonable Complaints Policy - Nov 21

Debt Policy - Nov 23 - Nov 24

Complaints Policy - Oct 21

Gifts and Hospitality Policy - Oct 21

Charges and Remissions Policy - Oct 23 - Oct 24

We are required to publish the following information:

How many school emloyees (if any) have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more in increments of £10,000.

Annual Salary                                 Number of Staff

£100,000 – £110,000                                0

£110,000 – £120,000                                0

£120,000 – £130,000                                0

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Tel: 01952 386770


Captain Webb Primary School

Webb Crescent, Dawley

Telford, TF4 3DU

To request a paper copy of the information on this website, free of charge, please contact the school office.

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