School Attendance
Aims and Targets
The Governing body of Captain Webb Primary places a high priority on achieving standards and feel that excellent pupil attendance and punctuality are essential.
Captain Webb Primary School is open for 32.5 hours a week, and for 190 days of the year in line with government expectations.
In order for children to achieve their potential, pupils must be highly motivated to learn and keen and eager to attend school.
Regular, punctual attendance will establish good habits that will support them throughout their lives.
To achieve this, the Governors and staff are committed to working in partnership with parents to ensure that the school achieves a MINIMUM of 96% attendance throughout the school.
Our school has set itself a target of attaining 96.5% Attendance in 2023.24
The Government expects us to:
• Promote good attendance and reduce absence, including persistent absence (less than 90%);
• Ensure every pupil has access to full-time education, to which they are entitled;
• Act early to address patterns of absence.
Captain Webb Primary School is working in partnership with parents and the Local Authority to improve school attendance.
Absence disrupts the education of the individual pupil and the whole class. Are you aware that children who do not attend regularly:
Do not achieve well in exams
Find it difficult to maintain friendships
Are more likely to become involved in crime
Miss out on opportunities in further education and the world of work.
How does your child compare?